Local News.
DERBY AND DISTRICT WORKING MEN’S CONSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIATION FISHING CLUB.—The first annual dinner of the fishing club in connection with the above association took place on Saturday evening at the Post Office Hotel, when the reputation of the house for providing an excellent repast was fully sustained. More than 40 members sat down to the good things set before them by the popular proprietor. Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Lord Donnington, Sir Henry Wilmot, Mr Tonman Mosley, the Rev. Sir Geo. Wilmot-Horton, Rev. C L. Alexander (Stanton-by-Bridge), Mr. E. M. Mundy, Mr. F. N. Smith, Mr. R. Sale (Barrow), Mr. W. Boden, and Mr. Knowles (Rolleston). In the unavoidable absence of Major Pountain, president of the club, Mr. F. G. Lemon was voted to the chair, and Mr. W. Lowe to the vice-chair. —The usual loyal and patriotic toasts having been given and heartily received, the Chairman proposed the toast of the evening, “Success to the Derby and District Working Men’s Constitutional Association Fishing Club.” In the course of his remarks, the Chairman regretted to say that their gallant president was prevented from being with them that night owing to a slight attack of sunstroke. He was sure they all hoped he would soon be restored to health.—The Secretary, in responding, congratulated the members on the successful condition of their club. Although it had not been in existence a whole season it numbered over 90 members.—The Chairman then distributed the prizes to the successful competitors in the recent fishing contest : — 1st prize, T. Parkes, timepiece ; 2, J. Tomlinson, concertina ; 3, E. B. Croft, picture ; 4, W. Tomlinson, order for pair of trousers ; 5, S. Kirby, cruet stand ; 6, W. Kellet, order for pair of trousers ; 7, B. Kellet, breakfast cruet ; 8, J. Bland, sen., knives and forks ; 9, G. Holt, set of gold studs ; 10, F. Smith, silver pencil case ; 11, — Wilkes, fishing rod ; 12, H. Tomlinson, flask ; 13, T. Whyman, set of jugs ; 14, Jas. Newbold, leg of lamb ; 15, C. Hodges and A Walters, quart of whiskey ; 16, A. Knifton, a felt hat ; 17, John Moore, walking stick ; 17, T. Greensmith, salmon bait and trace ; 18, A. Cantrall, flask ; 18, S. Morely, salmon line ; 19, C. Parket, meerschaum pipe ; 20, C. Gilbert, stationery stand ; 21. — Hanley, table-spoons ; 22, H. Knifton, dozen tea-spoons, 23; W. Lowe, reel ; 24, H. Stafford, carver and fork ; 25, G. Knifton, hank of gut ; 26, J. Moore, cigar holder ; 27, — Stone, tea pot ; 28, W. Draper, salmon bait ; 29, R. H. Johnson, pocket knife ; 30, J. Parker, fishing basket ; 31, O. Smith, flask. Consolation prize—Thomas Rickard,pint liquor, whose take amounted to ¼oz. and one shot.—Votes of thanks having been passed to the various noblemen and gentlemen who have so kindly placed their waters at the disposal of the club, and to the subscribers to the prize fund, the evening was given up to mirth and harmony, Messrs. J. Bland, sen., Wilkes, and J. Tomlinson contributing some capital songs. The usual votes of thanks brought the proceedings to a close. The arrangements were efficiently carried out by Mr. Hanley, the able and courteous secretary. |