[Inside front cover]
Jan. 41856
Jan. 11857
Feb. 81858
Jan. 4 to 61859
Jan. 11Joseph Moss (1801-1881) was my great-great-great-great-grandfather.
1 Joseph recorded the wrong date here - William Knifton died on 26th January 1858.
2 Charles Kerry provided additional information by combining Joseph’s entries dated July 5th and August 31st into one under July 1858 as ‘Restoration of Horsley Church. New weathercock placed on spire by Charles, son of Mr Anthony Kerry, the builder, on the 31st. A few days later, the south arches of the nave fell down, bringing with it the roofs of nave and south aisle. The pillar next the tower had been under-mined by the making of a grave, and as soon as the gravestone over it was moved the column began to settle: a loud shout was made, and the workmen had only just time to scamper out of the building before the roof and top windows and all came down.’
3 Charles Kerry provided additional information by including this entry in his book as ‘The Glebe at Smalley let out in allotments to the industrious cottagers of Smalley.’